Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sight Seeing in Various South Indian Cities - Bangalore

Planetarium: Established in 1989, the Planetarium is a visual delight for children and adults. The sound and light show - "The Sky Theatre Show" about the marvels of the universe, the planets and the solar system, is designed to be informative and entertaining. The theatre can seat up to two hundred and ten persons. Entry is restricted to children below 5 years. Tickets are issued half an hour before the show and only two tickets are issued per head. Tickets are priced at Rs 10/- for persons below 16 years and at Rs 15/- for persons above 16 years. Daily shows: 3:00 pm in Kannada, 4:30 pm in English. The Planetarium is closed on every Monday and second Tuesday of the month.

ULSOOR LAKE: This lake is centrally located, over a space of 1.5 sq. km. It was originally known as "Halsur" or "Alasur".It then extended over an area of 125 acres.It is a major tourist attraction with a boat club. You can enjoy a boat-ride which includes stops at some of the tiny islands that dot the lake. The boating is organised by the KSTDC. Pedal and row-boats can be hired for Rs 120/- per hour. Boating is open on all days including Sundays and government holidays between 9:30 am and 5:30 pm. Attached to the lake is a park with a lot of shade and greenery, which is frequented by children and others .

SANKEY TANK: Boating on a weekend can be fun and the Sankey Tank offers you just the setting you need. The Mayura Sankey Boat Club is maintained by the KSTDC. It is open from 10 am to 6 pm and has no holidays. The boating facilities provided are - row boats, pedal boats and motor boats. A Swim Centre is housed within the boundaries of the Sankey Tank. The centre is open from 6 am to 5 pm on all days except on Friday, which is the weekly holiday. It is closed between 10 am and 12 noon every day. There is a separate batch for ladies from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. The entry is Rs 10/- for adults and Rs 5/- for children.

YEDIYUR LAKE: Here is another lake of Bangalore, distinguished by the sculpture of a girl by artist John Devaraj, set right in the middle of the lake. The surroundings look nice but to tell the truth, this lake is sadly neglected.

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