Thursday, April 16, 2009

Call Center Job Description - Call Center Scheduling

Call centers employ hundreds and thousands of agents to handle the customer calls .The amount of incoming traffic averages out to about a million calls per day. In such a scenario call center scheduling becomes one of the most important tasks of a call center manager.

A manager should efficiently schedule the calls in a call center so that the work load on an agent does not overburden him. It is a fact that as the work load on an agent increases the efficiency with which he handles the call decreases. In addition to decrease in efficiency he also gets de-motivated and as de-motivation increases attrition rate also increases.

Managers believe that salary and other monetary incentives are not the sole motivators for the workforce of an employee but a good and happy working environment actually does wonders to the employee satisfaction, so HR managers should work to schedule the tasks so that agents are happy and satisfied.

Call center scheduling software can help managers to facilitate the work delegation process by paying due attention to the skills, personality and profile of an agent. If all these parameters are taken care of the agents are better equipped to satisfy a customer by giving the latter prompt and crisp information.

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