Thursday, April 16, 2009

Call Center Job Description - Hosted Ivr

The hosted IVR are the Interactive Voice Response solutions deployed by firms that have a legacy PABX system of their own and are looking for a cheap and cost effective IVR deployment. The hosted IVR has all the features of a conventional IVR system like they are equipped with functionalities to integrate a pre recorded database queries with a voice over telephony system and hence do not require any manual or human support.

The deployment of a hosted IVR spans across three stages:
Interconnection hardware: This is the first step that serves to connect the PABX gateway to external phone lines .It basically requires a router working as gateway or an ATA. Depending upon the configuration of the input and output audio lines a decoder or a signal converter is also required to convert analogue to digital signal and vice versa.

Interconnection Process: For successful call forwarding and transmission a sound and efficient interconnection process needs to be defined and the algorithm associated with same process needs to be embedded in the system so that call channelizing becomes easier and faster .For example if a customer does not want to enter into IVR system and instead prefers to talk to an operator ,he should be asked to press 0 and the call must then be routed to public telephone network from the PABX gateway.

Sound Recording: This is an optional step but its importance cannot be ignored as proper sound and voice responses need to be recorded to make the Hosted IVR system more users friendly

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