Thursday, April 16, 2009

Call Center Job Description - Telemarketing Services

Telemarketing service is term introduced by leading telecom company AT&T in 1970’s to advertise and sale WATS through its telephonic network. Encouraged by the success of this concept telemarketing is now widely and extensive used by all businesses to bolster their sales and advertising campaign by reaching out to as many people as they can through telephony.

In telemarketing services, agents sitting in an office or call centre make calls to solicit consumers and make them aware of the products and services offered by the organizations they are tele-selling for. Telemarketing services as the name and purpose suggests involves unsolicited calls and therefore these calls can also cause a lot of disturbance to people who do not want to receive these sales calls.

To cater to the mental peace and privacy of such people United States introduced a national do-not–disturb directory that consists of telephone numbers of people who do not want to receive calls from telemarketing services.

Telemarketing services take place in three steps, the first step is the identification of prospective customers, the second step is reaching out to them through telephonic calls and the third and most important step is to follow up the process. Telemarketing can, in fact improve sales for a business.

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